Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What does the National Audit Office do?
The National Audit Office (NAO) is the Supreme Audit Institution of The Gambia responsible for the audit of Government institutions and other public bodies.
2. What exactly is the function of the Auditor General?
Auditor General as the head of the NAO is responsible for ensuring that government departments/ institutions are accountable over their application of public funds. You can read more about the Auditor Generals’ functions here.
3. How does the NAO control corruption?
NAO helps in fighting corruption through the audits we carry out and reporting our findings to the National Assembly. Where there is suspected fraud, the Inspector General of Police is notified to investigate and take action when necessary.
4. What is the NAO doing about COVID-19?
The AG has advised for the proper usage of COVID-19 funds by reminding institutions of the regulations and laws around emergency response. NAO started audit of COVID-19 funds and will be sharing interim reports in the coming months to the National Assembly, partners, and the executive.
5. How is the NAO and Auditor General held accountable?
The National Assembly is the oversight body of the NAO in executing its mandate, by discussing its submitted Activity Report (now called the Annual Performance Report) and audited financial statements.
6. Who audits the National Audit Office?
The National Audit Office is audited by private audit firms who are selected by the Finance and Public Accounts Committee of the National Assembly through a competitive selection process.
7. How often do you carry out audits?
The activities and financial statements of public institutions are audited by the Auditor General annually within six months to the end of the financial year.
8. Who has access to the audit reports?
The public are the ultimate beneficiaries of the audit results. Audit reports are submitted to the National Assembly for discussion, after which they are available for public consumption. The audited entities, strategic and other development partners also have access to the reports published.
9. What happens after an audit is completed?
The reports are sent to the auditees and in certain cases to the National Assembly for discussion before they are published.
10. Why is NAO not implementing audit reports recommendations?
The NAO is a reporting institution and works with other government partners to ensure that its recommendations are acted upon. The National Assembly and Directorate of Internal Audit should assist in ensuring that audit recommendations are acted upon by institutions through discussion and follow-up for the implementation of audit recommendations.
11. How do citizens benefit from audits?
Audit reports highlight how public funds are used for development. When reports are published and accessible to citizens for their active involvement, it will promote accountability and transparency and ensure that public resources are used for their intended purposes
12. What are some of your biggest audit impact to date?
NAO over the years has worked towards clearing the audit backlogs, and submitting more timely reports to the National Assembly which has also increased access to report findings and making them relevant for public discussion and improvement of public resource management
13. Why is the NAO relevant?
NAO examines public spending and report to respective stakeholders including parliament. This is ensuring that public institutions are hold account on how public funds are utilized.
14. Is NAO the same as the Directorate of Internal Audit?
NAO is the Supreme Audit Institution established by the Constitution to provide external audit service to all public institutions in The Gambia, whereas Directorate of Internal Audit is an internal control function of the executive within the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.
15. Who appoints the Auditor General?
The Auditor General is appointed by the President of The Gambia in consultation with the Public Service Commission
16. Is the NAO an independent institution?
Yes. NAO was granted an autonomous status through an act of National Assembly in 2015 (NAO Act 2015) and its establishment is also contained in the 1997 Constitution.
17. I am looking for a report but cannot find it on the NAO website, do you publish all your audit reports?
No. Currently, we only publish performance and Government account audit reports.
18. I have a question that is not on the FAQ question of your website, who do I contact?
If a question is not covered in this FAQs section or anywhere else on our website, please use the Contact Us page to submit your question. This will be reviewed, and an answer will be provided.
Last updated on March 2021
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